YOKA Community/ Comunidad de YOKA,

On this page you will find links to the materials from Local School Leadership Council (LSLC) Meetings at YOKA. Click on the menu items on the left to access the Google Drive folders for LSLC meetings. 

En esta página encontrará enlaces a los materiales de las reuniones del Consejo de Liderazgo Escolar Local (LSLC) en YOKA. Haga clic en los elementos del menú de la izquierda para acceder a las carpetas de Google Drive para las reuniones de LSLC.

Here are the members of the 2023-24 Local School Leadership Council (LSLC) at YOKA 

Estos son los miembros del Consejo de Liderazgo Escolar Local (LSLC) 2023-24 en YOKA:

  Member name Officer Composition type
1 Izquierdo, Wendy   UTLA Staff
2 Morrison, Kyle   UTLA Staff
3 Lerer, Shambo   UTLA Staff
4 Salas, Ann Marie   UTLA Staff
5 Nicholas, Jessica   UTLA Staff
6 Gaytan, Kathy   UTLA Staff
7 Wenell, Christopher Co-Chair UTLA Staff
8 Lauer, Justin Co-Chair Admin Staff
9 Correo-Juarez, Gregoria   Parent
10 Colores, Lourdes   Parent
11 Lopez, Mayra   Parent
12 Penaran, Nancy   Out of Classroom Staff
13 Reyes, Lilia   Parent
14 Valdez, Yolanda   Out of Classroom Staff
15 Yac, Karen   Parent