Young Oak Kim Academy Home

Inscripción abierta 2025-2026!/ 2025-2026 Enrollment Open!

Por favor pase por nuestra oficina principal para recoger una forma de interes.
Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame al 213-739-6500.
Please stop by the Main Office to pick up an interest form.
For any questions, please call 213-739-6500.

Días Mínimos/ Minimum Days

Los estudiantes saldrán de clases a las 1:18 p.m. los siguientes días: 31/1, 21/2, 28/3, 11/4, 23/5, 9/6
Students will be dismissed at 1:18 p.m. on the following days: 1/31, 2/21,3/28, 4/11, 5/23, 6/9

News & Announcements

front of school building

Our School

people walking in line

2022-2023 Pin & Ribbon Ceremony


  • Common Sense School
  • Safety Seal Platinum Rating
  • Western Association of Schools and Colleges